■ Tuning fork testing is especially
important when otoscopy and
systemic examinations are
■ It is vital to recognise the
possible causes of seemingly
innocuous tinnitus (especially
sudden onset) and institute
early appropriate treatment.
■ There is great variation in how
people react to tinnitus –
some cope well with little
disturbance while others feel
anxious or depressed.
■ Treating underlying anxiety
and depression improves
■ Many patients report their
tinnitus-related stress started
when their doctor told them
“nothing could be done”.
■ Most people will habituate
naturally to tinnitus, as long
as they regard the sound as
important when otoscopy and
systemic examinations are
■ It is vital to recognise the
possible causes of seemingly
innocuous tinnitus (especially
sudden onset) and institute
early appropriate treatment.
■ There is great variation in how
people react to tinnitus –
some cope well with little
disturbance while others feel
anxious or depressed.
■ Treating underlying anxiety
and depression improves
■ Many patients report their
tinnitus-related stress started
when their doctor told them
“nothing could be done”.
■ Most people will habituate
naturally to tinnitus, as long
as they regard the sound as