There is no clear consensus on
the best management, surgical
or conservative, for first-time
anterior shoulder dislocation.
■ Always perform a thorough
examination before any
attempt at reduction and
document the neurovascular
status of the arm, in particular
the function of the axillary and
musculocutaneous nerves.
■ Plain X-rays should include
an antero-posterior view, a ‘Y’
lateral view and either an
axillary or a Garth view.
■ Recurrence rates are lowest in
patients who wear a sling for SIX WEEKS
the best management, surgical
or conservative, for first-time
anterior shoulder dislocation.
■ Always perform a thorough
examination before any
attempt at reduction and
document the neurovascular
status of the arm, in particular
the function of the axillary and
musculocutaneous nerves.
■ Plain X-rays should include
an antero-posterior view, a ‘Y’
lateral view and either an
axillary or a Garth view.
■ Recurrence rates are lowest in
patients who wear a sling for SIX WEEKS