A.Intervention for acute stroke is
most potent when applied as
close to the time of stroke
onset as possible.
B. High-risk TIAs can be
predicted and should be
investigated and managed
with the same urgency as
acute stroke.
C. Differentiating between
infarction and haemorrhagic
stroke on clinical grounds is
poor, even among experienced
clinicians. Acute imaging
(usually by CT) is essential to
direct ongoing management.
D. Thrombolysis with tPA for
acute ischaemic stroke up to
4.5 hours from symptom onset
is now the standard level of
care in units which have
stroke management expertise.
E. Admission to a stroke unit for
all stroke subtypes increases
the chance of functional
outcome and decreases
most potent when applied as
close to the time of stroke
onset as possible.
B. High-risk TIAs can be
predicted and should be
investigated and managed
with the same urgency as
acute stroke.
C. Differentiating between
infarction and haemorrhagic
stroke on clinical grounds is
poor, even among experienced
clinicians. Acute imaging
(usually by CT) is essential to
direct ongoing management.
D. Thrombolysis with tPA for
acute ischaemic stroke up to
4.5 hours from symptom onset
is now the standard level of
care in units which have
stroke management expertise.
E. Admission to a stroke unit for
all stroke subtypes increases
the chance of functional
outcome and decreases