sKIN burns can be graded into three categories.
Grade 1 has redness or white marking only,
grade 2 has oedema and blistering and grade 3 burns are associated with necrosis.
HF acid burns Appearance
Grade 1 white burn mark and/or erythema and pain
Grade 2 white burn mark and/or erythema and pain
PLUS oedema and blistering
Grade 3 white burn mark and/or erythema and pain
PLUS oedema and blistering
PLUS necrosis
Grade 1 has redness or white marking only,
grade 2 has oedema and blistering and grade 3 burns are associated with necrosis.
HF acid burns Appearance
Grade 1 white burn mark and/or erythema and pain
Grade 2 white burn mark and/or erythema and pain
PLUS oedema and blistering
Grade 3 white burn mark and/or erythema and pain
PLUS oedema and blistering
PLUS necrosis