Clinical presentation Possible diagnosis Investigations
Maculopapular rash Rubella IgM and IgG*
Parvovirus IgM and IgG*
Enterovirus Throat or faecal culture
Vesicular rash Varicella Rash IgM and IgG* if uncertain
Enterovirus Throat or faecal culture
Flu-like symptoms CMV IgM and IgG*
(fever, myalgia, malaise, LFTs, FBC
+/- lymphadenopathy) Toxoplasmosis IgM and IgG*
Listeriosis Blood and faecal culture
Other viral infections Serology or culture as required
*In parallel with previous
antenatal serum and 2-4 weeks later if required
Maculopapular rash Rubella IgM and IgG*
Parvovirus IgM and IgG*
Enterovirus Throat or faecal culture
Vesicular rash Varicella Rash IgM and IgG* if uncertain
Enterovirus Throat or faecal culture
Flu-like symptoms CMV IgM and IgG*
(fever, myalgia, malaise, LFTs, FBC
+/- lymphadenopathy) Toxoplasmosis IgM and IgG*
Listeriosis Blood and faecal culture
Other viral infections Serology or culture as required
*In parallel with previous
antenatal serum and 2-4 weeks later if required