■ a vision chart
■ a light source with a cobalt
blue filter
■ a means of magnification such
as loupes (or a pair of +3.0
“chemist’s glasses”)
■ amethocaine drops to
anaesthetise the ocular surface
■ fluorescein drops to stain any
epithelial defects
■ cycloplegic drops to dilate the
■ an ophthalmoscope to visualise
the red reflex and/or posterior
segment of the eye
■ cotton buds to wipe up any
secretions and help evert the
upper lid.
■ a light source with a cobalt
blue filter
■ a means of magnification such
as loupes (or a pair of +3.0
“chemist’s glasses”)
■ amethocaine drops to
anaesthetise the ocular surface
■ fluorescein drops to stain any
epithelial defects
■ cycloplegic drops to dilate the
■ an ophthalmoscope to visualise
the red reflex and/or posterior
segment of the eye
■ cotton buds to wipe up any
secretions and help evert the
upper lid.