1. An elderly woman can read the newspaper, but has halos in bright sunlight.
A. Cataract
B. Glaucoma
C. Presbyopia
D. Macular Degeneration
2. Which of the following drugs decrease renin:
A. Beta Blockers
B. ACE Inhibitors
C. Spironolactone
D. Hydralazine
E. Centrally acting antihypertensives.
3. Newborn with respiratory distress , faint breath sounds on the left and with a scaphoid abdomen
A. Meconium aspiration syndrome
B. Situs inversus
C. Diaphragmatic hernia
4. Which nerve gives the sensation of taste to the anterior 2/3rd of tongue.
A. Trigeminal nerve
B. Facial nerve
C. Hypoglossal nerve
D. Glossopharyngeal nerve
5. A Patient who underwent a cholecystectomy, now comes with jaundice .what is the investigation
of choice.
A. Oral cholecystogram
B. CT scan
C. Ultrasound
D. Sr. Creatinine
E. Upper GI Studies
6. Regarding pseudobulbar palsy AOF is true …except
A. Wasting and fasciculation of tongue
B. Jaw jerk decreased
C. Loss of sphincter control
D. Gag reflex present
7. Regarding ACE Inhibitors, which is not true :
A. Used in the treatment of heart failure
B. Used as first line in the treatment of Hypertension
C. Used in Diabetics
D. Cannot be used in the treatment of Aortic stenosis.
8. Regarding CRF and Calcium metabolism
A. Ca is decreased
B. Ca is increased
C. There is no relation between CRF and Ca
D. Causes Osteomalacia.
9. Most significant complication of massive blood transfusion. ( *)
A. Pulmonary oedema
B. Change in acid base balance
C. DIC and coagulation defect
D. Increased CVP
10. Regarding CRF and Potassium all of the following reduce potassium except (treatment of
hyperkalemia) *
A. Calcium Carbonate
B. Glucose and Insulin
C. Dialysis
D. Resonium
E. Sodium Bicarbonate
11. 55year old patient with dysphagia for solids with a previous history of reflux
A. Carcinoma oesophagus
B. Stricture
C. Scleroderma
D. Achalasia \
E. Raynaud’s syndrome
12. An infant came with pneumonia , X ray showed consolidation of a lobe with round
translucencies and a small pleural effusion. What is the treatment of choice?
A. Crystalline penicillin
B. Flucloxicillin
C. Amoxicillin / clavulanic acid
D. Tetracycline
13. A new born was peripherally cyanosed and crying lustily ..the axillary temperature recorded
was 37.2degrees what would be the next step( *)
A. Take an x ray
B. reassure
C. oxygen
D. urine culture
14. 34 year old lady on phenytoin wants to take OCP’S what can be prescribed
A. Microgynon 30
B. Microgynon 50
C. Triphasic
D. Oetradiol patches
E. Progesterone only pill
15. 6 months old boy brought by his mother with a temperature of 38.9degrees with bilateral
wheezing .his resp. rate was 36/min .other members in the family had a h/o similar illness. There
is family h/o asthma. What is the diagnosis?
A. Asthma
B. Foreign body
C. Bronchiolitis
D. Pneumonia
16. 16 weeks p
regnant lady came for a check up ,for the diagnosis of foetal anencephaly all are true except
A. increased alpha feto protein
B. increased beta HCG
C. nuchal thickness
D. decreased alpha fetoprotein
17. Regarding tubal pregnancy most suggestive is (*)
A. –ve beta HCG
B. ultrasound showing empty uterus
C. ultrasound showing tubal mass
D. CT scan
18. 10 weeks old child with persistent unilateral eye discharge responding to antibiotics but
A. nasolacrimal duct obstruction
B. gonococcus
C. Chlamydia
19. unilateral foul smelling ,bloodstained discharge from nose
A. foreign body
B. nasal polyps
C. Atopy
D. Rhinitis
20. 10 year old came to your surgery with scrotal pain .on examination both testis are in the
scrotum , next management :
A. do an ultrasound
B. arrange surgery
C. write some analgesic and send him home
D. do nothing it will go away
E. tell his mother to review back again when the pain recurs
21. 19 year old girl had a binge of drinking the previous night with lower abdominal tenderness and
all investigations and testis are normal (*)
A. treat as gastroenteritis
B. tell her it is due to alcohol
C. not sure of diagnosis ;come back for review
D. Give analgesic and antiemetic and send her home.
22. Reversal of non depolarising skeletal muscle blockade
A. Pyridostigmine
B. Neostigmine
C. Atropine
D. Benzhexol
23. differentiation between schizophrenia and shcizophreniform disorders is by (*)
A. affective symptoms
B. duration of symptoms
C. lack of insight
D. female and male ratio
24. A lady with a previous divorce now comes to you with a seductive behaviour
A. Narcicistic
B. Histrionic
C. Borderline
25. In Australia bush fires are common either accidentally or due to some people lighting fire
deliberately, which is true regarding pyromaniacs.
A. Done for notoriety and publicity
B. To hide their acts
C. As they like to play with fire
D. Set fire and get panic attacks
E. For satisfaction.
26. People living near airport have(*)
A. Explosive personality
B. Insomnia
C. Agitated
D. Depression
27. Regarding panic attacks all are true except (*)
A. 20% have had at least one attack in their lifetime.
B. With out agoraphobia it is equal in male and female
C. Always avoid precipitating factors
D. Usually occurs in the twenties
28. Regarding treatment of chronic duodenal ulcer
A. eradication of H pylori
B. H2 blockers
D. Selective vagotomy
29. 4 year old boy with fever and malaise , lymphocyte count –normal, platelets decreased ,Hb
B. Infectious mononucleosis
C. Hodgkin’s disease
30. Pregnant lady with Group B strep infection, what is true.
A. Penicillin to be given as prophylaxis
B. Bolus dose of penicillin before labour
C. Take a swab and if B strep present then treat.
31. Regarding MI , maximum deaths occur in (*)
A. with in 1st 2 hrs
B. 2 to 12hrs
C. 12 to 24hrs
D. 2 to 7days
E. after discharge
32. A case of stable angina with chest pain. On examination enzymes, ECG are normal but as you
were examining him he belches and says he feels better - what would you do (*)
A. Admit to coronary care Unit and do ECG monitoring.
B. send him home with appointment to cardiologist
C. refer to gastroenterologist
D. if enzymes normal then probably no cardiac
33. With regard to primary health care all are true except(*)
A. 1/3rd of population come to a GP with psychiatric symptoms.
B. Most patients are psychotic
C. Only few are referred to psychiatrists
D. Alcoholics and drug abuse frequently overlooked by GP’s
34. A patient with known Parkinson’s disease for 2 yrs on long term treatment now comes with
tongue protruding out. What would you do ?
A. Decrease levodopa +carbidopa
B. Increase levodopa + carbidopa
C. Stop levodopa +carbidopa
D. Treat with chlorpromazine
35. In a case of twin pregnancy all are true except
A. asymmetrical growth retardation
B. anaemia in pregnancy
C. premature labour
D. acute polyhydramnios
E. 2nd twin foetal malformation.
36. 60 yr old female with diarrhoea and profuse mucous discharge .what could be the cause
A. Cron’s disease
B. ulcerative colitis
C. villous adenoma
D. rectal Ca
E. acute mesenteric ischaemia
37. How do you differentiate between anorectal and colorectal cause of bleeding(*)
A. Blood mixed with stools
B. Fresh bright bleeding
C. Mucoid discharge
D. Pain during defecation
38. most common cause of severe chest pain in pericarditis
A. viral pericarditis
B. tuberculosis
C. Mycoplasma
D. Uraemia
39. all of the following are causes of supraclavicular mass except (*)
A. stomach Ca
B. cervical rib
C. breast Ca
D. subclavian thrombosis
E. subclavian artery aneurysm
40. which of the following has worst prognosis
A. advanced breast Ca
B. choriocarcinoma
C. Hodgkin’s lymphoma
D. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
E. Prostate carcinoma
41. Which of the following does not metastasise to brain
A. Malignant melanoma
B. Prostatic Ca
C. Lung Ca
D. Breast Ca
42. 40 yr old lady with a 2 cm palpable breast lump on the right side .What is the next step.(*)
B. Ultrasound
C. Lumpectomy
D. Mammography
E. Radical mastectomy
43. A lady with a palpable breast lump, FNAC showed few malignant cells regarding conservative
surgery what is true? (*)
A. Assess for oestrogen receptors
B. Bone marrow biopsy
C. Axillary lymph node sampling
D. Mammography
44. A lady with a breast cancer on left side operated 2yrs ago now detects a small lump on the
right side .how do you explain the lump
A. Cancer arising de novo
B. Fibroadenoma
C. Metastasis from the previous one
45. facial nerve palsy can be associated with all of the following except
A. chronic parotitis
B. Ca parotid
C. Acoustic neuroma
D. # base of the skull
46. A middle aged woman with deafness and loss of corneal reflex but with no tinnitus
A. vestibular neuronitis
B. Meniere’s disease
C. Acoustic neuroma
D. Multiple sclerosis
47. Ptosis ,dysphagia ,ataxia ,on the same side and spinothalamic loss on the opposite side:
A. vertebral artery occlusion
B. basilar artery occlusion
C. MS – midbrain
D. Posterior communicating artery syndrome (PICA)
48. 22yr old lady with diplopia. On closing the right eye ,the medial side of the image is lost ( i.e
diplopia on looking laterally ) what is the diagnosis
A. left 6th nerve palsy
B. left 3rd nerve palsy
C. right 6th nerve palsy
D. posterior cranial fossa tumour
49. Regarding a patient with hepatoma , which of the following is least likely
A. Hepatitis B
B. Hepatitis C
C. Hemochromatosis
E. Alcoholic cirrhosis
50. In which of the following cell mediated immunity is lost first followed by loss of humoral
immunity (*)
51. which of the following is not a carcinogen (*)
C. Hep C
52. Picture of a lesion at the lateral angle of the eye what is the treatment ( it’s a BCC) :
A. Surgical removal
B. Excision and radiation
C. Cryotherapy
D. Chemotherapy
E. Local steroids
53. Picture of swelling at the outer angle of the eye .it is described as being hard and present since
A. Osteoma
B. Sebaceous cyst
C. Lipoma
54. picture of a large swelling on the back near the left scapula
A. lipoma
B. sebaceous cyst
C. 2ndary breast
55. Picture of the face with a non itchy rash like lesion on the cheeks, forehead.
B. Seborrheic dermatitis
C. Acne rosacea
D. Dermatomyositis
56. post operative specimen ( testicle with epididymis )
B. Epididymoorchitis
C. Teratoma
D. Torsion of testis
E. seminoma
57. A chest x ray of a child showing consolidation > neutrophils increased. What could be the cause
A. Klebsiella pneumonia
B. Group B streptococcus
C. Staphylococcus
D. Mycoplasma pneumonia
58. A lesion (looks like an ulcer) diagnosis?
A. Amelanotic melanoma
B. Implantation dermoid
C. Basal cell carcinoma
59. ECG- patient is a diabetic and he is dyspnoeic .diagnosis(*)
A. Inferior wall MI
B. Anterior wall MI
C. Pericarditis
D. WPW syndrome
E. Pulmonary embolism
60. ECG patient has palpitations, otherwise normal (*)
A. Atrial fibrillation
B. Atrial flutter with variable block
C. WPW syndrome with accelerated beats
61. ECG patient comes with sweating , palpitations
A. Ventricular ectopic
B. Ventricular tachycardia
C. Atrial fibrillation
62. How do you treat WPW in a patient with a previous history of collapse?
A. Beta blockers
B. Cardioversion
C. Radiofrequency ablation abnormal tract
D. Surgical ablation
D. Long term verapamil
63. 40 yr old man with SVT 160/min ..Patient not arousable , Treatment is
A. cardioversion
B. adenosine
C. procainamide
D. verapamil
E. take an ECG
64. A child with heart rate of 220/min otherwise normal , how do you manage
A. cold stimulus
B. Valsalva
C. Verapamil
D. DC shock
65. All of the following are side effects of depot medroxyprogesterone , except(*)
A. Amenorrhoea
B. Weight gain
C. Depression
D. Used with oestrogen causes stratification and cornification of vagina
E. hypotension
66. 20yr old man came with pain referring from groin to loin to tip of penis brought a sample of
urine mixed with blood and asks for a shot of pethidine to relieve his pain. What is the next step
A. give him an injection of pethidine to relieve his pain
C. Ultrasound abdomen
D. Examine fresh urine sample
67. 12yr old boy with bee sting with wheeze ,with swollen lips ,tachycardia , restless, immediate
A. adrenaline IM
B. hydrocortisone IV
C. oxygen
D. antihistamine
E. give NSAID and send him home
68. Young man with tachycardia, BP 90/70,Pulse 140 difficulty in breathing (*)
A. start two IV line to Hartmann
B. wide bore needle
C. tube drainage
69. RTA respiratory distress mediastinal shift to opposite side with emphysema in the neck .what is
the diagnosis
A. Tension pneumothorax
B. Hemothorax
C. Cardiac tamponade
D. Bronchial tear
70. Newborn male with normal genitalia , which is true
A. 47xxy
B. 46xy with androgen insensitivity
C. mother treatment with cyproterone from 8 weeks
71. 16yr old girl came with her mother with no menstrual , breast development is normal
(testicular feminisation)
A. 45xo
B. 46xy
C. Turner syndrome
72. After MVA a patient is dyspnoeic BP 100/70, HR 110/min, Breath sounds decreased on left side,
heart sounds normal, JVP raised, next step in management (*)
A. IV fluids
B. Wide bore thoracostomy
C. Tube thoracostomy
73. A patient with excruciating chest pain and a diastolic murmur .what does the X-ray show (*)
A. widening of mediastinum
B. increased left ventricular size
C. trachea shifted to left
74. A child with fever malaise, sore throat …white papillae on the tongue and later a sandpapery
rash...what is the diagnosis
A. measles
B. rubella
C. scarlet fever
75. A child with fever of 3 days duration and a rash develops when fever subsides
A. Rubella
B. Roseola
C. Erythema multiforme
76. An unconscious man (a known COPD case) was brought to the emergency, on examination
there was a bruise on the parietal area and needle mark in the cubital fossa. His ABG was as
follows (PH: 7.26, PCO2: 60, PO2: 50) His previous ABG showed (PH: 7.35, PCO2: 30, PO2: 60)
.what is the diagnosis? (*)
A. Narcotic
B. Subdural haemorrhage
C. Subarachnoid haemorrhage
77. 16 weeks pregnant woman with proteinuria 3 +, hematuria, and hypertension (*)
B. Pre-existing renal disease
C. Essential hypertension
D. Pregnancy will continue until term
78. Which of the following is familial
A. papillary carcinoma
B. medullary carcinoma
C. follicular Ca
D. anaplastic
E. secondary Ca of thyroid
79. A patient with HIV and cough (respiratory symptoms) has a Mantoux 5mm +ve , what is the
next step
A. INH prophylaxis
B. Zidovudine
C. Interferon
80. Patient with HIV +ve status ..what is true (*)
A. Life long infectivity
B. He has AIDS
C. Can transmit through saliva
D. He should avoid sexual intercourse
81. Tremor can be present in all of the following except
A. hyperthyroidism
B. hypothyroidism
C. benign essential tremor
D. Parkinsonism
E. chronic liver disease
82. A lady with tremor on lifting the phone and disappears when she looks at her hand with
1. An elderly woman can read the newspaper, but has halos in bright sunlight.
A. Cataract
B. Glaucoma
C. Presbyopia
D. Macular Degeneration
2. Which of the following drugs decrease renin:
A. Beta Blockers
B. ACE Inhibitors
C. Spironolactone
D. Hydralazine
E. Centrally acting antihypertensives.
3. Newborn with respiratory distress , faint breath sounds on the left and with a scaphoid abdomen
A. Meconium aspiration syndrome
B. Situs inversus
C. Diaphragmatic hernia
4. Which nerve gives the sensation of taste to the anterior 2/3rd of tongue.
A. Trigeminal nerve
B. Facial nerve
C. Hypoglossal nerve
D. Glossopharyngeal nerve
5. A Patient who underwent a cholecystectomy, now comes with jaundice .what is the investigation
of choice.
A. Oral cholecystogram
B. CT scan
C. Ultrasound
D. Sr. Creatinine
E. Upper GI Studies
6. Regarding pseudobulbar palsy AOF is true …except
A. Wasting and fasciculation of tongue
B. Jaw jerk decreased
C. Loss of sphincter control
D. Gag reflex present
7. Regarding ACE Inhibitors, which is not true :
A. Used in the treatment of heart failure
B. Used as first line in the treatment of Hypertension
C. Used in Diabetics
D. Cannot be used in the treatment of Aortic stenosis.
8. Regarding CRF and Calcium metabolism
A. Ca is decreased
B. Ca is increased
C. There is no relation between CRF and Ca
D. Causes Osteomalacia.
9. Most significant complication of massive blood transfusion. ( *)
A. Pulmonary oedema
B. Change in acid base balance
C. DIC and coagulation defect
D. Increased CVP
10. Regarding CRF and Potassium all of the following reduce potassium except (treatment of
hyperkalemia) *
A. Calcium Carbonate
B. Glucose and Insulin
C. Dialysis
D. Resonium
E. Sodium Bicarbonate
11. 55year old patient with dysphagia for solids with a previous history of reflux
A. Carcinoma oesophagus
B. Stricture
C. Scleroderma
D. Achalasia \
E. Raynaud’s syndrome
12. An infant came with pneumonia , X ray showed consolidation of a lobe with round
translucencies and a small pleural effusion. What is the treatment of choice?
A. Crystalline penicillin
B. Flucloxicillin
C. Amoxicillin / clavulanic acid
D. Tetracycline
13. A new born was peripherally cyanosed and crying lustily ..the axillary temperature recorded
was 37.2degrees what would be the next step( *)
A. Take an x ray
B. reassure
C. oxygen
D. urine culture
14. 34 year old lady on phenytoin wants to take OCP’S what can be prescribed
A. Microgynon 30
B. Microgynon 50
C. Triphasic
D. Oetradiol patches
E. Progesterone only pill
15. 6 months old boy brought by his mother with a temperature of 38.9degrees with bilateral
wheezing .his resp. rate was 36/min .other members in the family had a h/o similar illness. There
is family h/o asthma. What is the diagnosis?
A. Asthma
B. Foreign body
C. Bronchiolitis
D. Pneumonia
16. 16 weeks p
regnant lady came for a check up ,for the diagnosis of foetal anencephaly all are true except
A. increased alpha feto protein
B. increased beta HCG
C. nuchal thickness
D. decreased alpha fetoprotein
17. Regarding tubal pregnancy most suggestive is (*)
A. –ve beta HCG
B. ultrasound showing empty uterus
C. ultrasound showing tubal mass
D. CT scan
18. 10 weeks old child with persistent unilateral eye discharge responding to antibiotics but
A. nasolacrimal duct obstruction
B. gonococcus
C. Chlamydia
19. unilateral foul smelling ,bloodstained discharge from nose
A. foreign body
B. nasal polyps
C. Atopy
D. Rhinitis
20. 10 year old came to your surgery with scrotal pain .on examination both testis are in the
scrotum , next management :
A. do an ultrasound
B. arrange surgery
C. write some analgesic and send him home
D. do nothing it will go away
E. tell his mother to review back again when the pain recurs
21. 19 year old girl had a binge of drinking the previous night with lower abdominal tenderness and
all investigations and testis are normal (*)
A. treat as gastroenteritis
B. tell her it is due to alcohol
C. not sure of diagnosis ;come back for review
D. Give analgesic and antiemetic and send her home.
22. Reversal of non depolarising skeletal muscle blockade
A. Pyridostigmine
B. Neostigmine
C. Atropine
D. Benzhexol
23. differentiation between schizophrenia and shcizophreniform disorders is by (*)
A. affective symptoms
B. duration of symptoms
C. lack of insight
D. female and male ratio
24. A lady with a previous divorce now comes to you with a seductive behaviour
A. Narcicistic
B. Histrionic
C. Borderline
25. In Australia bush fires are common either accidentally or due to some people lighting fire
deliberately, which is true regarding pyromaniacs.
A. Done for notoriety and publicity
B. To hide their acts
C. As they like to play with fire
D. Set fire and get panic attacks
E. For satisfaction.
26. People living near airport have(*)
A. Explosive personality
B. Insomnia
C. Agitated
D. Depression
27. Regarding panic attacks all are true except (*)
A. 20% have had at least one attack in their lifetime.
B. With out agoraphobia it is equal in male and female
C. Always avoid precipitating factors
D. Usually occurs in the twenties
28. Regarding treatment of chronic duodenal ulcer
A. eradication of H pylori
B. H2 blockers
D. Selective vagotomy
29. 4 year old boy with fever and malaise , lymphocyte count –normal, platelets decreased ,Hb
B. Infectious mononucleosis
C. Hodgkin’s disease
30. Pregnant lady with Group B strep infection, what is true.
A. Penicillin to be given as prophylaxis
B. Bolus dose of penicillin before labour
C. Take a swab and if B strep present then treat.
31. Regarding MI , maximum deaths occur in (*)
A. with in 1st 2 hrs
B. 2 to 12hrs
C. 12 to 24hrs
D. 2 to 7days
E. after discharge
32. A case of stable angina with chest pain. On examination enzymes, ECG are normal but as you
were examining him he belches and says he feels better - what would you do (*)
A. Admit to coronary care Unit and do ECG monitoring.
B. send him home with appointment to cardiologist
C. refer to gastroenterologist
D. if enzymes normal then probably no cardiac
33. With regard to primary health care all are true except(*)
A. 1/3rd of population come to a GP with psychiatric symptoms.
B. Most patients are psychotic
C. Only few are referred to psychiatrists
D. Alcoholics and drug abuse frequently overlooked by GP’s
34. A patient with known Parkinson’s disease for 2 yrs on long term treatment now comes with
tongue protruding out. What would you do ?
A. Decrease levodopa +carbidopa
B. Increase levodopa + carbidopa
C. Stop levodopa +carbidopa
D. Treat with chlorpromazine
35. In a case of twin pregnancy all are true except
A. asymmetrical growth retardation
B. anaemia in pregnancy
C. premature labour
D. acute polyhydramnios
E. 2nd twin foetal malformation.
36. 60 yr old female with diarrhoea and profuse mucous discharge .what could be the cause
A. Cron’s disease
B. ulcerative colitis
C. villous adenoma
D. rectal Ca
E. acute mesenteric ischaemia
37. How do you differentiate between anorectal and colorectal cause of bleeding(*)
A. Blood mixed with stools
B. Fresh bright bleeding
C. Mucoid discharge
D. Pain during defecation
38. most common cause of severe chest pain in pericarditis
A. viral pericarditis
B. tuberculosis
C. Mycoplasma
D. Uraemia
39. all of the following are causes of supraclavicular mass except (*)
A. stomach Ca
B. cervical rib
C. breast Ca
D. subclavian thrombosis
E. subclavian artery aneurysm
40. which of the following has worst prognosis
A. advanced breast Ca
B. choriocarcinoma
C. Hodgkin’s lymphoma
D. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
E. Prostate carcinoma
41. Which of the following does not metastasise to brain
A. Malignant melanoma
B. Prostatic Ca
C. Lung Ca
D. Breast Ca
42. 40 yr old lady with a 2 cm palpable breast lump on the right side .What is the next step.(*)
B. Ultrasound
C. Lumpectomy
D. Mammography
E. Radical mastectomy
43. A lady with a palpable breast lump, FNAC showed few malignant cells regarding conservative
surgery what is true? (*)
A. Assess for oestrogen receptors
B. Bone marrow biopsy
C. Axillary lymph node sampling
D. Mammography
44. A lady with a breast cancer on left side operated 2yrs ago now detects a small lump on the
right side .how do you explain the lump
A. Cancer arising de novo
B. Fibroadenoma
C. Metastasis from the previous one
45. facial nerve palsy can be associated with all of the following except
A. chronic parotitis
B. Ca parotid
C. Acoustic neuroma
D. # base of the skull
46. A middle aged woman with deafness and loss of corneal reflex but with no tinnitus
A. vestibular neuronitis
B. Meniere’s disease
C. Acoustic neuroma
D. Multiple sclerosis
47. Ptosis ,dysphagia ,ataxia ,on the same side and spinothalamic loss on the opposite side:
A. vertebral artery occlusion
B. basilar artery occlusion
C. MS – midbrain
D. Posterior communicating artery syndrome (PICA)
48. 22yr old lady with diplopia. On closing the right eye ,the medial side of the image is lost ( i.e
diplopia on looking laterally ) what is the diagnosis
A. left 6th nerve palsy
B. left 3rd nerve palsy
C. right 6th nerve palsy
D. posterior cranial fossa tumour
49. Regarding a patient with hepatoma , which of the following is least likely
A. Hepatitis B
B. Hepatitis C
C. Hemochromatosis
E. Alcoholic cirrhosis
50. In which of the following cell mediated immunity is lost first followed by loss of humoral
immunity (*)
51. which of the following is not a carcinogen (*)
C. Hep C
52. Picture of a lesion at the lateral angle of the eye what is the treatment ( it’s a BCC) :
A. Surgical removal
B. Excision and radiation
C. Cryotherapy
D. Chemotherapy
E. Local steroids
53. Picture of swelling at the outer angle of the eye .it is described as being hard and present since
A. Osteoma
B. Sebaceous cyst
C. Lipoma
54. picture of a large swelling on the back near the left scapula
A. lipoma
B. sebaceous cyst
C. 2ndary breast
55. Picture of the face with a non itchy rash like lesion on the cheeks, forehead.
B. Seborrheic dermatitis
C. Acne rosacea
D. Dermatomyositis
56. post operative specimen ( testicle with epididymis )
B. Epididymoorchitis
C. Teratoma
D. Torsion of testis
E. seminoma
57. A chest x ray of a child showing consolidation > neutrophils increased. What could be the cause
A. Klebsiella pneumonia
B. Group B streptococcus
C. Staphylococcus
D. Mycoplasma pneumonia
58. A lesion (looks like an ulcer) diagnosis?
A. Amelanotic melanoma
B. Implantation dermoid
C. Basal cell carcinoma
59. ECG- patient is a diabetic and he is dyspnoeic .diagnosis(*)
A. Inferior wall MI
B. Anterior wall MI
C. Pericarditis
D. WPW syndrome
E. Pulmonary embolism
60. ECG patient has palpitations, otherwise normal (*)
A. Atrial fibrillation
B. Atrial flutter with variable block
C. WPW syndrome with accelerated beats
61. ECG patient comes with sweating , palpitations
A. Ventricular ectopic
B. Ventricular tachycardia
C. Atrial fibrillation
62. How do you treat WPW in a patient with a previous history of collapse?
A. Beta blockers
B. Cardioversion
C. Radiofrequency ablation abnormal tract
D. Surgical ablation
D. Long term verapamil
63. 40 yr old man with SVT 160/min ..Patient not arousable , Treatment is
A. cardioversion
B. adenosine
C. procainamide
D. verapamil
E. take an ECG
64. A child with heart rate of 220/min otherwise normal , how do you manage
A. cold stimulus
B. Valsalva
C. Verapamil
D. DC shock
65. All of the following are side effects of depot medroxyprogesterone , except(*)
A. Amenorrhoea
B. Weight gain
C. Depression
D. Used with oestrogen causes stratification and cornification of vagina
E. hypotension
66. 20yr old man came with pain referring from groin to loin to tip of penis brought a sample of
urine mixed with blood and asks for a shot of pethidine to relieve his pain. What is the next step
A. give him an injection of pethidine to relieve his pain
C. Ultrasound abdomen
D. Examine fresh urine sample
67. 12yr old boy with bee sting with wheeze ,with swollen lips ,tachycardia , restless, immediate
A. adrenaline IM
B. hydrocortisone IV
C. oxygen
D. antihistamine
E. give NSAID and send him home
68. Young man with tachycardia, BP 90/70,Pulse 140 difficulty in breathing (*)
A. start two IV line to Hartmann
B. wide bore needle
C. tube drainage
69. RTA respiratory distress mediastinal shift to opposite side with emphysema in the neck .what is
the diagnosis
A. Tension pneumothorax
B. Hemothorax
C. Cardiac tamponade
D. Bronchial tear
70. Newborn male with normal genitalia , which is true
A. 47xxy
B. 46xy with androgen insensitivity
C. mother treatment with cyproterone from 8 weeks
71. 16yr old girl came with her mother with no menstrual , breast development is normal
(testicular feminisation)
A. 45xo
B. 46xy
C. Turner syndrome
72. After MVA a patient is dyspnoeic BP 100/70, HR 110/min, Breath sounds decreased on left side,
heart sounds normal, JVP raised, next step in management (*)
A. IV fluids
B. Wide bore thoracostomy
C. Tube thoracostomy
73. A patient with excruciating chest pain and a diastolic murmur .what does the X-ray show (*)
A. widening of mediastinum
B. increased left ventricular size
C. trachea shifted to left
74. A child with fever malaise, sore throat …white papillae on the tongue and later a sandpapery
rash...what is the diagnosis
A. measles
B. rubella
C. scarlet fever
75. A child with fever of 3 days duration and a rash develops when fever subsides
A. Rubella
B. Roseola
C. Erythema multiforme
76. An unconscious man (a known COPD case) was brought to the emergency, on examination
there was a bruise on the parietal area and needle mark in the cubital fossa. His ABG was as
follows (PH: 7.26, PCO2: 60, PO2: 50) His previous ABG showed (PH: 7.35, PCO2: 30, PO2: 60)
.what is the diagnosis? (*)
A. Narcotic
B. Subdural haemorrhage
C. Subarachnoid haemorrhage
77. 16 weeks pregnant woman with proteinuria 3 +, hematuria, and hypertension (*)
B. Pre-existing renal disease
C. Essential hypertension
D. Pregnancy will continue until term
78. Which of the following is familial
A. papillary carcinoma
B. medullary carcinoma
C. follicular Ca
D. anaplastic
E. secondary Ca of thyroid
79. A patient with HIV and cough (respiratory symptoms) has a Mantoux 5mm +ve , what is the
next step
A. INH prophylaxis
B. Zidovudine
C. Interferon
80. Patient with HIV +ve status ..what is true (*)
A. Life long infectivity
B. He has AIDS
C. Can transmit through saliva
D. He should avoid sexual intercourse
81. Tremor can be present in all of the following except
A. hyperthyroidism
B. hypothyroidism
C. benign essential tremor
D. Parkinsonism
E. chronic liver disease
82. A lady with tremor on lifting the phone and disappears when she looks at her hand with