De QUERVAIN’S THYROIDITIS -MCQS-2 1.During initial phase of thyrotoxicosis associated high T4:T3 ration suggests release of stored thyroid hormones. 2.ESR is markedly elevated. 3.Treatment is focused around the management of pain and inflammation of the thyroid gland. 4.Anti-thyroid medications are not indicated. 5.Steroids are considered first line therapy. ANSWERS 1. TRUE-due to release of stored thyroid hormones. 2. TRUE-due to inflammation 3. TRUE 4. TRUE-since the preformed thyroid hormones released to the circulation is responsible for symptoms. 5. FALSE-NSAIDS, and beta blockers for symptom control-steroid are reserved for resistant cases. HASHIMOTOS THYROIDITIS-MCQS 1. Recurrent postpartum thyroiditis is common in subsequent pregnancies 2. The initial hyperthyroid phase can easily be missed clinically. 3. Hypothyroid state is more commonly seen in clinical practice 4. Hypothyroidism is usually insidious in onset and may be progressing over years. 5. Is the most common cause of ...