A mnemonic for rheumatic fever: Jones major criteria: JONES:
- Joints (polyarthritis)
- Obvious (i.e. cardiac criterion: carditis)
- Nodules (subcutaneous)
- Erythema marginatum
- Sydenham’s chorea
If you see a right bundle branch block (RBBB) on an ECG, look also for a left anterior fascicular block (LAFB).
ECG findings of left anterior fascicular block (LAFB):
- Left axis deviation, i.e. mean frontal QRS axis between -30 and -90 degrees;
- qR in aVL and usually I;
- rS in III and aVF.
Kerley B lines on the chest x-ray of a patient not responding to management of pulmonary edema? Think lymphangitic carcinomatosis.