

Image TRUE OR FALSE REGARDING SCABIES 1. Australia is among the highest in the world, 2. Scabies is both directly and indirectly contagious 3. Now seen in more frequently in developed countries 4. Is predominantly seen in the tropics 5. The level of infestation has no correlation with rate of transmission 1. True – high prevalence in northern territory 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. False -directly proportional to the level of infestation .
RHEUMATIC FEVER 1. The highest rates of acute rheumatic fever have been documented in Australia 2. The highest prevalence and age-standardised mortality of rheumatic heart disease are in developed countries. 3. Mitral stenosis is an early complication. 4. Mitral annular calcification is known cause mitral stenosis 5. Normal mitral valve leaflets are seen in mitral valve disease due to rheumatic fever. 1. TRUE- seen in indigenous population. 2. FALSE-developing countries 3. FLASE-LATE 4. TRUE- As world population age 5. FALSE seen in mitral annular calcification.


OSTEOARTHRITIS MCQS 1. Bouchard nodes are more common than Heberden nodes 2. Bouchard nodes are associated with more severe arthritis. 3. Heberden nodes are more common in females. 4. The presence of nodes is strongly familial. 5. Bouchard nodes are commonly seen in distal interphalangeal joints. ANSWERS 1. FALSE-LESS COMMON 2. TRUE 3. FALSE- EQUALLY COMMON IN MALES AND FEMALES IN ALL RACES 4. TRUE 5. FALSE- PROXIMAL IPJ ,HEBERDEN NODES ARE SEEN IN DISTAL IPJ
Image OSTEOARTHRITIS MCQS 1. Bouchard nodes are more common than Heberden nodes 2. Bouchard nodes are associated with more severe arthritis. 3. Heberden nodes are more common in females. 4. The presence of nodes is strongly familial. 5. Bouchard nodes are commonly seen in distal interphalangeal joints. ANSWERS 1. FALSE-LESS COMMON 2. TRUE 3. FALSE- EQUALLY COMMON IN MALES AND FEMALES IN ALL RACES 4. TRUE 5. FALSE- PROXIMAL IPJ ,HEBERDEN NODES ARE SEEN IN DISTAL IPJ


ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION -MCQS 1.May be a marker for asymptomatic cardiovascular disease. 2.Is a strong independent risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. 3.Not commonly coexists with symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia. 4.Most erectile dysfunction has an organic cause. 5.Recreational drug use is considered as a risk factor. ANSWERS 1.TRUE-Particularly in younger individuals. 2.TRUE-prevelence and association with vascular disease is well recognised. 3.FALSE-commonly coexists with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia 4.TRUE-about 80% 5.TRUE-Other risk factors includes -sedentary life style, obesity, obstructive sleep apnoea, smoking ,diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidaemia ,thyroid disorders, medications etc.

Streptococcal Pharyngitis

STREPTOCOCCAL PHARYNGITIS/TONSILLITIS-MCQS 1. Shared decision making for antibiotics is preferred when risk of non-suppurative complications is not high. 2. Symptomatic therapy can be offered with follow up if symptoms worsen or do not improve within 3-7 days period. 3. A delayed prescription for antibiotics if the patient is not able to return for follow up. 4. Streptococcal tonsillitis/pharyngitis can last up to seven days with or without antibiotics. 5. May sometimes need to be treated with immediate antibiotic therapy. ANSWERS   1. TRUE-Non suppurative complications like rheumatic fever/carditis 2. TRUE 3. TRUE 4. TRUE 5. TRUE-depend on the risk category for suppurative and non-suppurative complications.


Skin lesions assessment -Clinical method of melanoma diagnosis A-Asymmetry(irregular shape)- B-Border irregularity- C-colour=Variety of shades ?(brown,red,white, black,) D-diameter 6mm or more.? E-Evolution-Has there been a change in size ,shape,colour or height ? F-Firm or not ? G-Growing-gradually getting larger ? BUT   -Even if the answer is NO to all You still need to see a doctor for assessment .