Lymphoedema after axillary dissection and/or radiotherapy. It can arise at any time, even many years after treatment. ● Cardiovascular toxicity after radiotherapy, and increased cardiovascular risk after premature menopause. Treat with appropriate medical and risk-reduction strategies. ● Congestive heart failure associated with anthracyclines and trastuzumab. Monitor (mandatory with trastuzumab) and manage medically if present. ● DVT, stroke (tamoxifen). Treat as usual if present. ● Hot flushes after premature menopause, tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors (less so). SSRIs, SNRIs and gabapentin may be useful. Alternatives such as black cohosh have also been suggested. ● Vaginal dryness and dyspareunia. Non-hormonal moisturisers and lubricants; use local oestrogen with caution as there may be systemic absorption. ● Loss of libido resulting from altered body image, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, depression or dyspareunia. Counselling may be helpful, as well as appropriate medical treatment. ●...